Thursday, December 27, 2007

Unit 3 Information

Unit 3 is by far the longest unit of the semester. In fact, it is actually four units combined. They are grouped together because of the style of the pacing guide. During this dense unit, you will learn the programs of Microsoft Office, including Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Publisher and Microsoft Excel.

The standards you will master are:

BCS-CA1-2 Students will use technology as a tool to increase productivity in completing a variety of input technologies to create, edit and publish industry appropriate documents.

BCS-CA-1-3 Students will use word processing and/or desktop publishing software through av ariety of input technologies to create, edit and publish industry appropriate documents.

BCS-CA1-4 Students will use spreadsheet software to create, edit and publish industry appropriate files.

BCS-CA1-5 Students will use database software to create, edit and publish industry appropriate files.

BCS-CA1-5 Students will use presentation software to create, edit and publish industry appropriate files.
The culminating activity of the unit is to use all of these programs combined to create an advertising campaign for a company of your choice.

Unit 2 information

Unit two consists of just one worksheet and an online Windows course that you will take. Please read through your pacing guide carefully. The online course has two requirements: taking notes and completing the quiz. It is your responsibility to let me know when you have completed these requirements so I can check them off.

Please do not forget to signal me to grade your work! These are among the only assignments all semester that will not be emailed to me for grading.

BCS-CA1-10 Students will develop stategies for solving problems.
This includes:
  • Indentify, prevent or solve problems using technical or electronic equipment
  • Identify, evaluate and use resources such as hardware, software and online support for problem identification and solution
  • Work in a team to solve problems and share knowledge

BCS-CA1-7 Students will understand how telecommunications can be used to collaborate, publish, and interact with peers, teachers, experts and other audiences.

This includes:

  • Describe telecommunications skills needed to communicate effectively with peers, experts, teachers, and other audiences
  • Use appropriate technology to plan, develop, edit and present material to different types of audiences
  • Use technology to enhance the effectiveness of communication, identifying appropriate and non-biased resources

    Good luck!

Unit 1 Information

For this class, I would like you to begin your own blog.

Each week as we begin a new unit or address a new standard, I would like you to access your personal blog. I would like for you to rewrite the standard using your own language, which should take only about three or four sentences for each standard. Then, after completing all of the work for the unit, you should write how the assignment(s) you just completed fit your summary.
Again, this could be done in approximately three sentences.Think of this as a way for me to judge whether or not you truly learned what you were supposed to. If you can't say that it did, you may need to work with me and attempt the assignment again with a different stategy.

Unit 1 is designed to get you familiar with the inner-workings of a computer. It will deal primarily with how things work and what specific components of the computer are. Read carefully, as it can be more complex than it seems (especially bits and bytes).

This unit is where mostly written work and worksheet, where as future units will often be computer work and fewer documents.

Georgia Performance Standards this unit meets:

BCS-CA1-1 Students will understand and apply the social, legal, and ethical issues related to technology used in personal and professional endeavors.

This includes:
  • Practice respectful and responsible use of technology through abiding by the school technology and internet use policy
  • Model the ability to work independently and as a team
  • Demonstrate an understanding of plagiarism and fair use
  • Explain the interaction and interdependence between humans and technology
  • State how changes in technology affect the workplace and society
  • Demonstrate ethical behaviors in what is written, spoken or presented
  • Develop a presentation on ethical and legal issues

SSCG21-Student will demonstrate knowledge of criminal activity

BCS-CA1-10 Students will develop strategies for solving problems.

CTAE-FS-1 Technical Skills: Learners achieve technical content skills necessary to pursue the full range of careers for all pathways in the program concentration.

CTAE-FS-2 Academic Foundations: Learners achieve state academic standards at or above grade level.

CTAE-FS-3 Communications: Learners use various communication skills in expressing and interpreting information.

Attendance Policy

I uphold hte attendance policy in place by Classic City High School, which is available in your student handbook.

I expect you to be in your seat and productive at the start of each class period. Tardy to class is anywhere from 1-15 minutes late. You are considered absent if you are more than 15 minutes late. It will be difficult to complete the work and standards required if you have excessive tardiness or absences, so be here early and often!

In the event that you have to miss, please contact me prior to the start of class to let me know you will be out. You can call me at the school or email me.

Just remember, if you hold up your end of the deal and try your best, you will excel and learn a lot in this class!

Important Email Information

Please DO NOT submit work to my dropbox. It rarely, if ever, functions properly

Please email all work to be graded to This email address is reserved only for grading your work. Gmail will automatically create an archive of all work sent, so in the event there is ever a discrepency of whether or not work has been turned in, I will have a back-up of your file.

In the event that you will be absent or tardy, please contact me in advance.

Here is my contact information:

When you have finished creating your email address, please email me a confirmation at so I can create your profile.

Mrs. S.

Welcome to Class!

Hello and welcome to Computer Applications! In this class, you will be learning the basic functions of personal computers and how they work. This class will help you become ready to perform all the daily tasks that might be asked of you in college or technical courses and your future professions.

I am posting all information that you will need to be successful in this course to this blog. I hope you will take the opportunity to accelerate your learning, as it is easily possible to complete this course in less time than the 18 weeks provided if you work deligently each day.

I am looking forward to getting to know each of you through this semester. Since you will all be working at different paces, my job will mostly be to provide you direct support with specific topics as you approach them. My classroom has several different classes in it at all times, so it is difficult, if not impossible, to do a lecture format. At times, I will address the class as a whole to discuss more complex topics, and we will also watch some videos as a class that deal with computing in the modern world.

I will be posting all of your necessary materials (with the exception of some texts available on my bookshelf) including syllabus, pacing guides and projects/examples of former projects.I encourage you to check this blog daily, from both school and home if possible, as it will be my main form of communication with you outside of the classroom.

Have a great semester!