Thursday, December 27, 2007

Unit 1 Information

For this class, I would like you to begin your own blog.

Each week as we begin a new unit or address a new standard, I would like you to access your personal blog. I would like for you to rewrite the standard using your own language, which should take only about three or four sentences for each standard. Then, after completing all of the work for the unit, you should write how the assignment(s) you just completed fit your summary.
Again, this could be done in approximately three sentences.Think of this as a way for me to judge whether or not you truly learned what you were supposed to. If you can't say that it did, you may need to work with me and attempt the assignment again with a different stategy.

Unit 1 is designed to get you familiar with the inner-workings of a computer. It will deal primarily with how things work and what specific components of the computer are. Read carefully, as it can be more complex than it seems (especially bits and bytes).

This unit is where mostly written work and worksheet, where as future units will often be computer work and fewer documents.

Georgia Performance Standards this unit meets:

BCS-CA1-1 Students will understand and apply the social, legal, and ethical issues related to technology used in personal and professional endeavors.

This includes:
  • Practice respectful and responsible use of technology through abiding by the school technology and internet use policy
  • Model the ability to work independently and as a team
  • Demonstrate an understanding of plagiarism and fair use
  • Explain the interaction and interdependence between humans and technology
  • State how changes in technology affect the workplace and society
  • Demonstrate ethical behaviors in what is written, spoken or presented
  • Develop a presentation on ethical and legal issues

SSCG21-Student will demonstrate knowledge of criminal activity

BCS-CA1-10 Students will develop strategies for solving problems.

CTAE-FS-1 Technical Skills: Learners achieve technical content skills necessary to pursue the full range of careers for all pathways in the program concentration.

CTAE-FS-2 Academic Foundations: Learners achieve state academic standards at or above grade level.

CTAE-FS-3 Communications: Learners use various communication skills in expressing and interpreting information.

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